Have You Been Injured During a Winter Sport?

Have You Been Injured During a Winter Sport?

Trust the Sports Medicine Specialists at Kayal for Your Care If you’re a winter sport athlete, this truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Whether you are hitting the slopes, the trails or the rink, this is your time to shine.

At the Kayal Orthopaedic Center, we’re thrilled you’re out there braving the elements, improving your skills and getting joy out of life. We’d like to remind you, though, to take the steps necessary to prevent or reduce your risk of injury. For starters, get plenty of rest, eat healthy, stay hydrated, dress appropriately and make sure you have the equipment you need.

Of course, warming up your body before exercise is important during any season, but it’s especially important during the winter when your muscles can be less efficient and your body may have a slower reaction time due to the cold. This also means your muscles are at higher risk for pulls, tears, strains and other types of injury.

When you suffer a sports-related orthopaedic injury, you should seek treatment from doctors who specialize in sports medicine. A sports medicine specialist undergoes special training and has greater insights into how sports-related injuries happen, how they should be treated and how to prevent them from happening again. At the Kayal Orthopaedic Center, Dr. Robert A. Kayal and several members of his elite team specialize in sports medicine.

Here are some of the most common winter sports-related injuries:

Torn ACL: Your ACL, anterior cruciate ligament, is located in your knee and acts as one of its major stabilizing ligaments. When your ACL is torn, your knee can become unstable. Sometimes, reconstruction surgery is required to reconstruct the ligament and restabilize your knee. This procedure is typically minimally invasive and can be performed as an outpatient. The sudden stops, twisting and changes in direction during downhill skiing can cause torn ACLs.

Torn meniscus: There are two of these C-shaped pieces of cartilage in your knee—one in the inside knee compartment and the other in the outside knee compartment. A torn meniscus is one of the most common knee injuries, caused when your knee is forcefully twisted or rotated. Symptoms of a torn meniscus include: a popping sensation, swelling or stiffness, pain (especially when twisting or turning your knee), difficulty straightening the knee and a feeling that your knee is locked in place. This injury can sometimes be treated using rest, ice and/or pain medication. However, minimally invasive surgery is sometimes necessary.

Wrist fracture: Wrist fractures occur most often when you try to brace yourself during a fall and land on your outstretched hand. Treatment may involve a splint, cast or surgery, depending on how severe your break is and how displaced your bones are. Surgery typically involves using plates and screws or pins to keep the broken bones in the appropriate position while they heal. With the guidance of a physical therapist or on your own, you need to rehab the wrist to regain your strength, function and range of motion.

There is nothing more exhilarating than outdoor winter sports. Don’t let the risk of injury spoil your fun. Instead, use caution and act wisely to help avoid injury. But also know that the team at Kayal Orthopaedic Center will be here to catch you if you do fall.

Need a consultation with a sports medicine specialist in Franklin Lakes? Call us at 844.777.0910 or contact us through our website.