Pain management: how to find the best specialist?

Pain management: how to find the best specialist?

Ongoing pain in your musculoskeletal system can be an obstacle in our daily lives. Whether it’s joint aches, muscle spasms, or any other kind of pain, it's common to seek quick relief. Usually, when the pain does not stop, people go see pain management specialists. This article will explain the process of pain management and help you find the right pain relief specialist for you in Westwood and Bergen County.

Types of Pain in the Musculoskeletal System

Patients can experience all kinds of pain in the musculoskeletal system but here a some of the major possibilities:

Bone Pain

This kind of pain typically is a deep, dull pain that can have a penetrating feeling. It’s often caused by some sort of injury or fracture.

Muscle Pain

Muscle pain can also be a debilitating problem though often not as extreme as bone pain. It could be caused by a number of factors such as injury, infection, autoimmune diseases and even tumors.

Tendon and Ligament Pain

The ligaments can be very painful when injured. Typically, the pain becomes more prevalent when the area is subjected to stretching or stress. It can be caused by issues like tendinitis.

Joint Pain

Joint pain is usually stiff and aching. Like ligament pain, the sensations can become more excruciating when the joints are stretched or pressured. Conditions such as arthritis and shoulder or knee bursitis may be the cause.

Nociceptive and Neuropathic Pain

In addition to localized pain, there are actually two main types of pain you can feel. Nociceptive pain is useful to the body. It warns you of potential danger, such as the pain of touching a hot stove. Neuropathic pain, on the other hand, has no such benefits. Instead it can be caused by damage to the nerves or misreads in the signals in your central nervous system.

Causes of Musculoskeletal Pain

While many causes of musculoskeletal pain come from injuries, there can potentially be a wide array of causes. Autoimmune diseases, tumors, sport injuries and neurological conditions could all be at play. It is important to communicate your pain clearly to your provider so that the issue can be dealt with quickly.

Treating Pain

Pain can be treated in a number of ways:

  1. Medication: usually painkillers or Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  2. Physical therapy
  3. Use of heat or cold
  4. Rest
  5. Exercises
  6. Chiropractic care
  7. Massages
  8. Surgery

No matter the type of pain, orthopedic specialists will have an arsenal of treatment tools at their fingertips.

Finding the right pain management specialists in Westwood and Bergen County

When you're in pain, all you want is relief. That’s why it’s so important that you find the right specialist who can understand what you're going through and spare no expense in making sure that your pain is managed. 

This is exactly what Kayal Medical Group is all about. With a world class team led by the massively respected Dr. Robert A. Kayal, there is nothing Kayal Medical group can’t do for you. They have a wealth of experience and a track record for success, Kayal Medical Group are pioneers in pain management and should be your first call.