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Muscle Spasms

Find Relief for Painful Muscle Cramps

One of the body’s natural, protective response mechanisms, a muscle spasm is an involuntary, sustained contraction of the muscle fibers in response to injury or inflammation—either in the muscles themselves or the nerves that serve them. In the back, muscle spasms also may signal injury or damage to an underlying spinal structure, such as the vertebrae, discs or ligaments that connect the vertebrae.

Back spasms may occur for a variety of reasons: a sudden or extended trauma to the spine or the muscles and tissue that support it such as a strain or sprain, or some other type of mechanical disorder that may be causing spinal nerve compression or irritation.



Reduce your risk.

To avoid future spasms, it’s important to build and maintain the strength and flexibility of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This can be done through:● Regular, low-impact cardiovascular exercises that don’t jar your back and are easy on the joints, such as bicycling, walking, or swimming. If exercising outdoors is not an option, consider using a treadmill, elliptical trainer, or stationary bicycle.● Core strengthening exercises. By conditioning your abdominal and back muscles, you can develop a “natural corset” to support your spine.● Gentle stretching to improve and maintain flexibility. Stretching also helps maintain good blood flow to the muscles.



Pinpoint your pain.

The primary symptoms of a muscle spasm typically include acute back pain or neck pain, depending on the location of the underlying injury or condition, accompanied by a sensation of severe muscle tightening, which may occur in “cycles” that last from a few seconds to several minutes. The pain and stiffness actually serve a two-fold purpose: to signal that something’s wrong and to protect the affected tissues and structures from further injury by limiting motion. Symptoms tend to appear suddenly following physical activity, and usually ease up following a period of rest.



Life’s too short to put up with pain.

Whether you suffer from chronic or acute pain due to an injury or surgical procedure, our experts deliver pain relief through industry-leading techniques. Laser treatment programs vary with pain, cause, and severity, but many patients experience pain relief in just a few short sessions. Trigger point injections can also be useful in relieving tension in cramping muscles. Your physician will recommend an optimal course of treatment for your situation and will monitor the results of your program.

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