Diagnose, Treat & Relieve Pain
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s defense system turns against itself and causes attacks on healthy joints, cartilage, and tissues throughout the body, along with damage to blood vessels, nerves, and tendons. Typically, individuals affected by the condition are between the ages of 40 and 60 and are three times more likely to be women than men.
Reduce your risk.
The exact causes of RA are unknown, yet there are indications that genetics play an impactful role in the condition’s development.
Pinpoint your pain.
Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms often begin in small joints such as the knuckles of the hands and the toes of the feet. The most common symptoms are pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. Typically, these symptoms transpire in multiple joints throughout the body. Since this condition is a systemic disease, an affected individual may feel more diffuse symptoms including fever, loss of appetite, body tiring easily, and lumps developing near the joints.
Get the answers you need.
Diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis involves a thorough physical examination of the affected area and an evaluation of the patient’s medical history. The Kayal Orthopaedic Center physicians in Bergen County will look for specific physical characteristics that indicate the presence of RA. These include:● Skin. The presence of callouses indicates areas where abnormal pressure is being applied.● Joint shape. RA weakens ligaments, which causes joint deformities, such as bunions, claw toes, finger angulation, and flat feet to arise.● Flexibility. A joint’s flexibility directly relates to the stage of the condition. If the joint still has a decent level of flexibility, then the condition is in its early stages. If flexibility is limited or barely present, it’s a good indication that there has been a significant loss of cartilage and the condition has progressed.● Tenderness. To determine which joints RA has affected and the severity of treatment required, our physicians will apply pressure to specific areas to see which joints react to the pressure and which remain unbothered.
There are other tests our physicians may request to further confirm the affected patient’s diagnosis, including an X-ray, a CT scan, and an MRI scan, which can be conveniently scheduled at Kayal Medical Imaging in Bergen County. A blood test is frequently utilized to test the patient’s blood for certain autoimmune markers.
Life’s too short to put up with pain.
Once a diagnosis has been made, Dr. Kayal and his team will assist patients, who can choose from several convenient offices in Bergen County, with deciding on treatment options. Although there is no existing cure for rheumatoid arthritis, there are progressive approaches that may alleviate symptoms and slow down the progression of the condition. Conservative, non-surgical treatment measures may involve steroid injections, orthotic devices, and viscosupplementation, in which lubrication fluid is injected into the joint. Medications can also help to slow down the progression of the disease. For more severe cases, surgical options may be recommended based on our physician’s discretion. Possible surgical treatment options include:
● Minimally invasive arthroscopy to remove diseased cartilage● Fusion for severely damaged joints or ligaments● Total ankle replacement to restore the ankle’s range of motion