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Helping to Correct Structural Spine Issues

Scoliosis causes a curve in your spine, often in the shape of a C or S. While this curvature can appear at any age, it often appears between the ages of 10 and 12 or in the early teen years. A structural curve will be permanent and may be related to other issues. However, a nonstructural curve will be temporary and can disappear with time and treatment.



Reduce your risk.

Scoliosis has several possible causes, the most predominant being neuromuscular conditions. These conditions affect the muscles and nerves and can include muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy. Other causes can be specific genes that have been inherited, as well as osteoporosis (bone degeneration) or even slightly uneven bone lengths in the legs. Scoliosis can also appear in conjunction with other diseases such as neurofibromatosis or Marfan’s syndrome.
Your risk of scoliosis is slightly higher if you are female. You also are more prone to the condition if a family member has it.



Pinpoint your pain.

Some tell-tale signs of scoliosis are slightly uneven shoulders or one shoulder blade that protrudes more than the other. In some case, one hip may be raised higher than the other as a result of slightly uneven leg lengths. If a scoliosis S- or C-curve worsens further, the spine may twist slightly. In this case, the ribs on one side of the body will likely protrude further than the other side.
Infants with scoliosis may lie curved to one side much more frequently. However, a spinal curve can sometimes develop without you or your child realizing it because the condition can develop gradually and without pain. If you notice small curves in your child’s spine, you should schedule an appointment with the expert team at Kayal Pain & Spine Center. Our team handles every case with care and compassion but is particularly sensitive to the needs of children and their parents or guardians.



Get the answers you need.

Your Kayal Pain & Spine Center specialist will thoroughly check medical history and discuss any recent growth or body changes. A physical exam will be conducted, where the child or adult patient may be asked to stand and then bend forward from the waist to determine if the rib cage protrudes more on one particular side.
A neurological check may be conducted to highlight any muscle numbness, weakness or abnormal reflexes. Imaging tests such as X-rays or an MRI may be done to confirm the scoliosis diagnosis and illustrate any underlying conditions that may be causing it.



Life’s too short to put up with pain.

Your doctor at Kayal Pain & Spine Center will work directly with you to determine the best treatment plan. Most children with scoliosis will have mild curvature and will usually not require surgical treatment. They may require visits to Kayal Pain & Spine Center every four to six months to monitor any changes in the spine.
Your specialist at Kayal Pain & Spine Center will recommend treatment on an individual basis. A variety of factors, including the severity, pattern and location of the curve, will be considered. If your child’s bones are still growing and his or her scoliosis is more moderate, your doctor may suggest a brace. This will not cure the scoliosis but it will prevent further progression. For more severe cases, your doctor may recommend surgery. At Kayal Pain & Spine Center, our compassionate experts will spend as much time with you as needed to answer all of your questions and address all of your concerns.

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