Free Yourself From Chronic Neck, Back and Shoulder Pain
Upper extremity pain is a broad term that describes generalized pain in the upper areas of the body. You may experience upper extremity pain in the wrists, hands, arms or shoulders. Many people experience upper extremity pain at some point in their lives. Depending on the underlying cause, pain in any of the upper extremities can be acute or chronic.
Without proper treatment, upper extremity pain can worsen. Ongoing wear and tear on affected areas can compound the pain. The experienced team at Kayal Pain & Spine Center has the solutions to control your pain, including physical therapy and minimally invasive, restorative surgery.
Reduce your risk.
The nerves that control the upper extremities start in your neck. Postural problems are a common cause of pain that then radiates to your arms, wrists or hands. But upper extremity pain can have dozens of other causes, depending on where the pain is located. Some possible causes of upper extremity pain include:● Sports injuries that didn’t heal properly● Carpal tunnel syndrome● Tendonitis● Torn rotator cuff● General wear and tear with agingIn some cases, pain in your upper extremities, such as the wrists and hands, can indicate an underlying medical condition such as rheumatoid arthritis or diabetes. It’s important to keep track of how your pain worsens or eases with certain activities. Knowing your unique signs and symptoms helps your specialist at Kayal Pain & Spine identify the cause and recommend appropriate treatments.
Pinpoint your pain.
When you suffer from upper extremity problems, you may experience pain in your hand, elbow or even your upper arms. You may feel nerve pain, tingling or a “pins and needles” sensation in your wrists or arms. Arm redness, swelling or stiffness in the arm, neck or lymph nodes may also be a sign of upper extremity issues.
Get the answers you need.
If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms, your Kayal Pain & Spine Center doctor will first identify the underlying cause before recommending treatment. In most cases, your doctor will discuss your history and conduct a physical exam to understand your activity and any injuries and symptoms.
During the physical exam, it’s common that your doctor will ask you to raise your arms or go through other simple movements to examine your motions. Following the physical exam, a blood test may be conducted to determine other conditions that may cause pain in the extremities, such as diabetes or joint inflammation. X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs or CT scans may be used to illustrate the soft tissues and bones and to help your doctor identify issues.
Life’s too short to put up with pain.
Your Kayal Pain & Spine Center specialist will work closely with you to recommend specific, tailored treatments. Some treatments for upper extremity pain can include anti-inflammatory medication that you can apply topically or take orally. Physical therapy may be recommended, particularly if you’re experiencing a limited range of motion. For more severe cases, surgical treatment may be recommended.
Rest, cold compression and over-the-counter painkillers can be taken alongside doctor-recommended treatments. It’s also important to consider that many times upper extremity pain can be prevented by staying in shape, stretching muscles correctly when exercising, moving around when sitting for long periods of time and learning to lift heavier or awkward objects properly. Whatever the cause of your upper extremity pain, your Kayal Pain & Spine Center doctor will work with you to ease any discomfort on the road to recovery.