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Spinal Fusion Technologies

Harnessing the Body’s Natural Healing Abilities

The latest spinal fusion technologies, such as titanium implants, expandable cage technology, 3D printed cage technology, and orthobiologics (Vivigen, OsteoAmp, Osteocell, BMP-2, allograft, autograft, and bone marrow aspirate) are used in minimally invasive spine surgery. They are used to treat conditions caused by damaged discs in the spine, including stenosis and degenerative disc disease.
During spinal fusion procedures, a damaged disc is removed from the spine and then the two adjacent vertebral bones are grafted together to eliminate their movement. Grafts allow the body to naturally fuse the bones together, improving stability and reducing pain.
Minimally invasive spinal fusion using the latest spinal fusion technologies is considered the second line of defense against common degenerative disc conditions after physical therapy, rest, and medication have failed to eliminate the pain and discomfort. Most patients who receive spinal fusions maintain a full or close-to-full range of motion once their body has healed from the procedure.
Kayal Pain & Spine Center uses the most innovative spinal fusion technologies, including titanium implants, expandable cage technology, 3D printed cage technology, and orthobiologics (Vivigen, OsteoAmp, Osteocell, BMP-2, allograft, autograft, and bone marrow aspirate).


Pre-Op & Aftercare

What to expect before, during and after spinal fusion therapy

Spinal surgeries are most successful when you are in good health. Nutrition and physical activity are important if you’re considering spinal fusion. You should modify your existing habits as needed.
You are also likely to receive several diagnostic tests before a spinal fusion procedure. You may undergo a radiograph to determine the spine’s current stability, receive an imaging scan such as an MRI or CT scan to view compressed nerves or have your nerve function evaluated using an EMG. All three of these procedures are used to create a strategic plan for treating your pain. Your surgeon at Kayal Pain & Spine Center may request all three before surgery.
You will also be instructed to discontinue medications that can result in blood loss, including ibuprofen, aspirin and blood thinners during the two weeks before surgery. It’s important to discuss any other medications you are currently taking with your doctor to ensure your safety. Some patients will also be instructed to donate their blood as part of the preparation if it may be needed during the procedure.
You will be kept in the hospital overnight for observation. Most patients return home within a day or two of the procedure. Many patients can stand and walk in the hours after the procedure and can return to most their normal routines within a week or two.
Smoking has a direct impact on the body’s ability to heal properly after spinal fusion. If you currently smoke, you will need to stop as soon as you begin considering spinal fusion therapy and should not resume after the surgery. Patients who smoke within the three months following their surgery will impact critical bone healing and significantly increase the risk of the procedure failing. Talk to the team at Kayal Pain & Spine if you need assistance with quitting.



Discover the advantages

Spinal fusion eliminates the pain caused by worn or damaged spinal discs, providing relief and enabling you to overcome a variety of mobility challenges. Spinal fusion also stabilizes the spine, helping prevent future damage from occurring while giving you a high range of motion.
Spinal fusion technologies use minimally invasive techniques, resulting in minimal scarring, less pain and faster recovery times than traditional spinal surgery. Fewer surrounding muscles and tissues are disrupted during the procedure, which allows your body to heal more efficiently. Patients who receive spinal fusion are able to get back to their normal lives relatively quickly.

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