Lori A. Nuzzi, DC
Nuzzi Chiropractic Family and Sports Center 12 Goffle Rd. Midland Park, NJ 07432 - Owner/ Lead Chiropractic Physician | 1993-2021 Nuzzi Chiropractic Family and Sports Center proudly served the Midland Park and surrounding area with chiropractic served until the acquisition of the practice by Dr. Kayal in April 2021.
Lori A. Nuzzi, DC
● New York Chiropractic College, Seneca Falls, NY | 1992 - Doctor of Chiropractic- Member of the Phi Chi Omega Chiropractic Scholastic Honor Society ● State University of New York at Stony Brook (Stony Brook University) 100 Nicolls Rd, Stony Brook, NY 11794 | 1989 - Bachelor of Science
● American Chiropractic Association (ACA) ● International Pediatric Chiropractic Association (IPCA) ● Association of New Jersey Chiropractors (ANJC)
● State of New Jersey 1993 ● State of New York 1992
● The Selective Functional Movement Assessment SFMA (Level 1 and 2) - The continuing education certification is designed for Healthcar professionals interested in advanced diagnostic system analysis which systematically finds the cause of pain and mechanical dysfunction. By breaking down movement patterns in a structured and reproducible way. This certification allows for advanced study of auto related injuries, sport and workers compensation injuries. ● Titleist Professional Instruction TPI (Level 1 and 2) - Designed for the assessment and treatment of golf and other swing sport specific injuries. (Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Softball, Hockey, LaCrosse, Paddle and other swing sports)● Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician CCSP - Advanced education is designed to give chiropractors specific knowledge of sports injury, in turn helping athletes of all levels of participation to optimize athletic performance. ● Certified Chiropractic Pediatric/ Pre and PostNatal Physician - Advanced education to serve the specific needs of the pediatric chiropractic population. This certification prepares the chiropractic practitioner in every area of family practice. Treating patients from birth on. ● Certified Webster Technique - A technique often used for breach turning due to maternal pelvic restriction. Advanced assessment of pelvic function during the late term pregnancy.